Leon Cizelj OER/OCW Courses

Bridging the Gap between Invention and by Otthein Herzog @VideoLectures

Innovation is widely accepted as a crucial driver of economic growth and social welfare. Industria­lised and emerging countries equally rely on technological as well as non... Watch Video

Jedrska ne varnost by Bogdan Pucelj Leon Cizelj Andrej @VideoLectures

Iz zadnjih dogodkov na Japonskem so se tudi znanstveniki veliko naučili. V studiu bomo osvetlili nekatere najbolj zanimive ugotovitve ter se vprašali, kaj te pomenijo za... Watch Video

Jedrska elektrarna v Fukušimi po potresu by Leon Cizelj @VideoLectures

Analizirali bomo najnovejše podatke o dogajanju v jedrski elektrarni Fukušima Daiiči, kjer so se po »velikem vzhodno japonskem potresu« in cunamiju 11.3. ... Watch Video

Reactor engineering by Leon Cizelj @VideoLectures.net oer ocw free

The Reactor Engineering research programme includes basic and applied research in nuclear energy, engineering and safety. Phenomena that occur during transients, incidents and severe... Watch Video

Reaktorska tehnika by Matjaž Leskovar Ivo Kljenak Raphael @VideoLectures

Raziskovalni program Reaktorska tehnika zajema raziskave na področju jedrske energije, tehnike in varnosti. Raziskujemo pojave, do katerih prihaja pri prehodnih pojavih, nezgodah in... Watch Video

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