OER/OCW Courses

20-Ton Canaries: The Great Whales of the by William C.G @VideoLectures

These legal, environmental and policy experts don’t converge on a dominant strategy for saving whales, but make the case in their own ways that we are fast approaching a moment... Watch Video

200 let Botani nega vrta v Ljubljani by Jože Bav @VideoLectures oer

Botanični vrt je v vsej 200 letni zgodovini skrbel za predstavitev raznolikosti rastlinskega sveta, jo raziskoval in hkrati služil kot izredno bogat učni pripomoček za različne ravni... Watch Video

200. Solomonov seminar by Mitja Jermol Marko Grobelnik @VideoLectures

**Tukaj bi se rad ob jubilejnem 200. seminarju zahvalil za sodelovanje in pomoč vsem, ki pomagajo vsa leta pri pripravi seminarja, ki lepo teče že deveto leto - še posebej bi... Watch Video

2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine by H. Robert @VideoLectures

In October 2002, The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to H. Robert Horvitz, Sydney Brenner and John El Sulston "for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation... Watch Video

2004 Nobel Colloquium by Frank Wilczek oer ocw

There’s no magic formula for winning the Nobel Prize. But you can’t find a more classic model than the career of Frank Wilczek, Feshbach Professor of Physics and 2004... Watch Video

21. Reinforcement Learning by Example Imad Khoury Cosmin @VideoLectures

A brief introduction to reinforcement learning, using the task of bartending as an example.... Watch Video

21st Century Challenges to Management by Robert Grant @VideoLectures

To identify the key developments in the business environment during the first decade of the 21st century and identify implications for management principles and practice.... Watch Video

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