
Leveraging the semantic of tweets for adoptive faceted search on Twiter


In the last few years, Twitter has become a powerful tool for publishing and discussing information. Yet, content exploration in Twitter requires substantial eff ort. Users often have to scan information streams by hand. In this paper, we approach this problem by means of faceted search. We propose strategies for inferring facets and facet values on Twitter by enriching the semantics of individual Twitter messages (tweets) and present di fferent methods, including personalized and context-adaptive methods, for making faceted search on Twitter more effective. We conduct a large-scale evaluation of faceted search strategies, show signifi cant improvements over keyword search and reveal significant benefi ts of those strategies that (i) further enrich the semantics of tweets by exploiting links posted in tweets, and that (ii) support users in selecting facet value pairs by adapting the faceted search interface to the speci fic needs and preferences of a user.
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