Capturing Output Produced by Programs Running in a Child Process

Learn how to capture and display the standard output and the error output produced by programs executing in a child process resulting from a call to the exec method.  Apply that knowledge to upgrade the MIDlet development framework from the previous lesson in the series.

Published:  January 15, 2008
By Richard G. Baldwin

Java Programming Notes # 2572


This is the second lesson in a series of tutorial lessons designed to teach you how to write programs using the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC.  The first lesson was titled Getting Started with MIDlets and the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC (see Resources).  In that lesson I provided and explained a Java programming framework that makes it relatively east to experiment with MIDlet programming.

A side trip

In this lesson, I will take a side trip into the world of Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString).  I will teach you how to capture and display the standard output and the error output produced by programs executing in a child process resulting from a call to that method.

Upgrade the framework

Then I will apply that knowledge to upgrade the MIDlet development framework that I presented in the previous lesson.  This will make it possible to display compile time errors when the framework is used to compile a MIDlet and will also make it possible to display information written to standard output or error output by MIDlets being tested in the Sun cell phone emulator.

Not peculiar to MIDlets

Although I am including this material in a series primarily dedicated to MIDlets, the programming techniques that I will teach you in this lesson are not peculiar to the development of MIDlets.  Rather, these techniques represent a general-purpose programming capability that is useful in a wide variety of applications in which the exec method is called for the purpose of executing another program in a child process.

Another minor upgrade to the framework

While I am at it, I will also show you how to upgrade the framework program to make it responsive to command-line parameters.

Viewing tip

I recommend that you open another copy of this document in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the figures and listings while you are reading about them.



Supplementary material

I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive collection of online Java tutorials.  You will find a consolidated index at

General background information

Referring back to the previous lesson (see Resources), The following steps are required to produce a MIDlet and to get it running in a cell phone:

  1. Design the MIDlet (similar to designing any Java program)
  2. Write the program code (similar to coding any Java program)
  3. Compile the code (targeted to a Java v1.4 virtual machine, a specific version of the CLDC, and a specific version of the MIDP)
  4. Pre-verify the compiled code
  5. Create a manifest file
  6. Create a Java ARchive (JAR) file
  7. Create a Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file
  8. Test the MIDlet in a cell phone emulator
  9. Deploy the MIDlet into a cell phone

The Java framework program that I presented in the previous lesson handles items 3 through 8 in the above list with the single click of a button.  As mentioned earlier, I will teach you how to upgrade the framework program so that it will capture and display the standard output and error output produced by programs executing in a child process resulting from a call to the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString) method.

I will also show you how to upgrade the framework program to make it responsive to command-line parameters.


The user interface

Referring once more to the previous lesson, Figure 1 shows the user interface for the framework.

Figure 1. User interface for the framework program.

One change will impact the user interface

One of the changes that I will make to the framework in this lesson will impact the contents of the upper right text field shown in Figure 1.  This text field contains the default program name.  I will make it possible to change the default program name by entering a different program name on the command line when the framework program is started.

Why make this change?

This change makes it possible to create a batch file to start the framework with a different default program name.  This is a very convenient procedure for repeatedly testing the same MIDlet program, while eliminating compile errors for example.  If you are satisfied with all of the other default values in the user interface, you can simply double-click the name of the batch file and then click the Run button in Figure 1 to cause the framework program to execute using the name of your MIDlet.

Listing 1 shows the contents of a simple batch file that can be used as described above to repeatedly test a MIDlet named LifeCycle01.

Listing 1. Contents of a simple batch file.
java WTKFramework02 LifeCycle01

Other change will impact the framework output

The other change that I will make to the framework doesn't impact the user interface shown in Figure 1.  Rather it impacts the standard output produced by the framework program.  For example, Figure 2 shows a portion of the standard output from the framework program where I ran the framework with a MIDlet named LifeCycle01 in which I had purposely inserted a programming error.

Figure 2. Framework output for a MIDlet with a programming error.
Compile command:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0/bin/javac 
-target 1.4 
-source 1.4 
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:     timeBase = new Date().getTime();
ERR:     ^
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:                   + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
ERR:                                                ^
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:                   + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
ERR:                                                ^
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:                   + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
ERR:                                                ^
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:                   + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
ERR:                                                ^
ERR: LifeCycle01\ cannot find symbol
ERR: symbol  : variable timeBase
ERR: location: class LifeCycle01.LifeCycle01
ERR:                   + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
ERR:                                                ^
ERR: 6 errors
Compile error

As you can see in Figure 2, the framework program captured the error output from the compiler program and displayed the errors before terminating. 

Discussion and sample code

The complete program
You can view a complete listing of the framework program in Listing 6.  Note that when I made this upgrade to the program, I changed the name from WTKFramework01 to WTKFramework02.

Command-line input

Lets begin with the easy change to the framework program.  Listing 2 shows a partial listing of the beginning of the class along with the main method.

In the interest of brevity, I purposely deleted much of the code from Figure 2 that had nothing to do with this upgrade.

Listing 2. Beginning of the class and the main method.
public class WTKFramework02{
  //Code deleted for brevity
  String prog = "WTK001";
  //Code deleted for brevity

  static WTKFramework02 thisObj;//New to the upgrade

  public static void main(String[] args){
    thisObj = new WTKFramework02();
    if(args.length != 0)thisObj.prog = args[0]; GUI();
  }//end main


The purpose of this upgrade is to allow the user to enter a command-line parameter when the framework program is started and to cause the value of that parameter to be entered into the Program Name field in Figure 1.


This upgrade involved:

If you are familiar with the use of command-line parameters in Java applications, the new code in the main method in Listing 2 should be clear to you.  The value of the command-line parameter is obtained and stored in the instance variable named prog.  As I explained in the previous lesson (see Resources), the code that was already written into the program uses the value of the instance variable named prog to populate the Program Name field shown in Figure 1.

Capturing output in a child process


The purpose of this upgrade is to capture and display the standard output and the error output produced by a program executing in a child process as a result of calling the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString) method.  This upgrade involved quite a lot more effort than the simple upgrade described above.

The Process class
Note that Process is a class in J2SE, and is not a class in the special WTK class libraries.  

A Process object

To begin with, a call to the exec method returns a reference to an object of type Process.  Figure 3 shows part of what Sun has to say about the Process class.  We will be particularly interested in the caution in Figure 3 that is highlighted in boldface.

Figure 3. Partial description of the Process class.
The... Runtime.exec methods create a native process and return an instance of a subclass of Process that can be used to control the process and obtain information about it. The class Process provides methods for performing input from the process, performing output to the process, waiting for the process to complete, checking the exit status of the process, and destroying (killing) the process.

...The created subprocess does not have its own terminal or console. All its standard io (i.e. stdin, stdout, stderr) operations will be redirected to the parent process through three streams (getOutputStream(), getInputStream(), getErrorStream()). The parent process uses these streams to feed input to and get output from the subprocess. Because some native platforms only provide limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of the subprocess may cause the subprocess to block, and even deadlock.

Methods of the Process class

Figure 4 contains a brief description of each of the methods of the Process class.

Figure 4. Methods of the Process class.

Return Type



void destroy() Kills the subprocess.
int exitValue() Returns the exit value for the subprocess
InputStream getErrorStream() Gets the error stream of the subprocess.
InputStream getInputStream() Gets the input stream of the subprocess.
OutputStream getOutputStream() Gets the output stream of the subprocess.
int waitFor() causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the process represented by this Process object has terminated.

Note that although the material in Figure 4 was copied directly from the Sun documentation for the Process class, I believe that the two descriptions shown in boldface are either reversed or at best unclear.  (See my description below.)

The exit value

The original version of the framework program that I explained in the previous lesson used the waitFor method to get the exit value produced by the program running in the child process.  Although I didn't use the exitValue method in the original version of the framework (and won't use it in this version either), as mentioned above, the exit value is returned by the waitFor method.  Therefore, I did use the value that would be returned by the exitValue method in the original version and will also use it in the upgraded version.

Additional methods used in the upgraded version of the framework

I will use the following additional methods in the upgraded version of the framework:

Since none of the programs that are run in a new process by the framework require standard input, even the upgraded version of the framework doesn't use the method named getOutputStream shown in Figure 4.

Will present and explain the code in fragments

As mentioned earlier, you can view a complete listing of the upgraded version of the framework program in Listing 6.  I will explain the changes made to the program by explaining code fragments from the program.  Listing 3 shows the first change that I will explain.  This change is typical of the changes that were made at several locations in the program, so I will only explain this one change.  Further, I explained most of the code in Listing 3 in the previous lesson so I won't repeat that explanation here.

Listing 3. Upgraded compile method.
  void compile(){
      String cmdString =
           javaPath + "/javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4 "
           + "-bootclasspath " + toolkit + configJar + ";"
           + toolkit + profileJar
           + " " + prog + "/" + prog + ".java";

      System.out.println("\nCompile command:");
      Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString);

      //Get and display the standard output and/or the
      // error output produced by the child process.

      int val = proc.waitFor();
      compileOK = val;
      if(val == 0){
        System.out.println("Compile OK");
        System.out.println("Compile error");
      }//end else

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch

  }//end compile

The essential change to the code in Listing 3 is the call to the method named getChildOutput shown in boldface near the middle of Listing 3.  A reference to the Process in which the child program is running is passed to the method.  The getChildOutput method causes the standard output and the error output produced by the executing child program to be displayed as shown in Figure 2.  Hopefully it is being done in such a way as to avoid the problem highlighted in boldface at the bottom of Figure 3.

The method named getChildOutput

The method named getChildOutput is shown in its entirety in Listing 4.

Listing 4. The method named getChildOutput.
  void getChildOutput(Process proc){
      //Spawn two threads.
      ChildDataHandler errorHandler = 
                           new ChildDataHandler(
                           proc.getErrorStream(),"ERR: ");
      ChildDataHandler outputHandler = 
                           new ChildDataHandler(
                           proc.getInputStream(),"OUT: ");
      //Start them running

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch
  }//end getChildOutput

Two threads

Listing 4 spawns two threads to handle the task of getting and displaying the standard output and the error output from the program that is executing in the child process referenced by the incoming parameter to the getChildOutput method.

This is accomplished by instantiating two objects from a new Thread class named ChildDataHandler and starting the two threads running concurrently.  (I will explain the code in the new Thread class shortly.)

Doesn't know and doesn't care...

An object of the ChildDataHandler class doesn't know and doesn't care whether the data stream being captured and displayed is produced by the standard output or by the error output of the program being executed in the child process.  As far as that object is concerned, it is simply an output stream being produced by the program.

Constructor parameters

The constructor for the first new ChildDataHandler object receives a reference to the error stream produced by the program running in the child process.  This reference is obtained by calling the getErrorStream method on the reference to the child process.  Similarly, the constructor for the second ChildDataHandler object receives a reference to the standard output stream being produced by that program.

Identifying the type of output in the display

The strings that are passed as the second parameter to the constructor in Listing 4 are used to label each line of output displayed by that object as shown in Figure 2.  In Figure 2, only data from the standard error output of the compiler was produced.  Therefore, each line of output text was labeled ERR.

I believe that if the program being executed in the child process were to produce both standard output and error output concurrently, the display shown would produce interleaved lines of text labeled ERR and text labeled OUT.  However, none of my test cases exhibited that characteristic so I was unable to confirm that belief.


Before I forget it, let me mention that this code was heavily influenced by what I learned when reading the article named When Runtime.exec() won't By Michael C. Daconta (see Resources).

The class named ChildDataHandler

The class named ChildDataHandler is shown in its entirety in Listing 5.

Listing 5. The class named ChildDataHandler.
  class ChildDataHandler extends Thread{
    InputStream inputStream;
    String type;
    ChildDataHandler(InputStream inputStream,String type){
      this.inputStream = inputStream;
      this.type = type;
    }//end constructor
    public void run(){
        InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = 
                       new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = 
                    new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
        String line=null;
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null){
          System.out.println(type + line);
        }//end while
      }catch(Exception e){
      }//end catch
    }//end run
  }//end class ChildDataHandler

The class named ChildDataHandler is a member class of the class named WTKFramework02.  The purpose of an object of this class is to get and to display either the standard output or the error output produced by a programming running in a child process.

A Thread class

The first thing to note is that this class extends the class named Thread, which causes it to implement the interface named Runnable indirectly.  If you are unfamiliar with multi-threaded programming in Java, the code in Listing 5 will probably make very little sense to you.  In that case, you might want to do some background study on the subject of threading and concurrent programming.  (See  Otherwise, you should be okay at least down through the constructor.

The run method

Our primary interest is the method named run.  This method is executed when the code in Listing 4 calls the method named start.  Since the code in Listing 4 instantiates two Thread objects and calls the start method on each, there will be two instances of the run method executing concurrently.

One instance of the run method will be monitoring the standard output stream from the program and will display any data that appears on that stream, one line at a time.  The other instance will be monitoring the error output stream from the program and will display any data that appears on that stream one line at a time.

As I mentioned earlier, I believe that if the program produces output data concurrently on both streams, the lines of data will be interleaved in the display but I haven't been able to confirm that belief.  That possibility makes it important that the run method use the incoming constructor parameter named type to label each line of output as shown in Figure 2 so that they can be visually separated if they are interleaved.

If you understand input stream handling in Java, the code in the run method in Listing 5 shouldn't require an explanation.  Otherwise, this code might not make much sense to you and you might want to do some background study on the subject.

Sample output

As discussed earlier, Figure 2 shows the compiler error output for a MIDlet named LifeCycle01 in which I had purposely inserted a syntax error.

Similarly, Figure 5 shows the standard output produced by the same MIDlet program (after the syntax error was corrected) when it was tested in the Sun cell phone emulator.

Figure 5. Framework output for a MIDlet that produces standard output in the cell phone emulator.
Emulator command
-Xdescriptor output/LifeCycle01.jad
OUT: Running with storage root 
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\j2mewtk\2.5.2\
OUT: Running with locale: English_United States.1252
OUT: Running in the identified_third_party security domain
OUT: Constructed at: 0
OUT: Started at: 31
OUT: I'm working .....
OUT: Paused at: 2031
OUT: Re-started at: 4031
OUT: I'm awake .....
OUT: Paused at: 6031
OUT: Re-started at: 8031
OUT: I'm awake .....
OUT: Paused at: 10031
OUT: Re-started at: 12031
OUT: I'm awake .....
OUT: Paused at: 14031
OUT: Re-started at: 16031
OUT: I'm awake .....
OUT: Paused at: 18031
OUT: Destroyed at:  20031
OUT: I'm awake Terminating worker
OUT: Execution completed.
OUT: 3544753 bytecodes executed
OUT: 4430 thread switches
OUT: 1671 classes in the system (including system classes)
OUT: 18283 dynamic objects allocated (563556 bytes)
OUT: 3 garbage collections (469252 bytes collected)
Emulator finished

Click the Run button to run another MIDlet.

The exact nature of the output isn't important

Note that some of the output shown in Figure 5 is normal output from the cell phone emulator and some of the output was produced by System.out.println statements in the MIDlet code.  However, the exact nature of the output shown in Figure 5 isn't important for this lesson.  It will be very important in a future lesson where I explain the MIDlet named LifeCycle01, which is designed to demonstrate the rather complex topic of the life cycle of a MIDlet.

Although it is not my intent to teach you about the MIDlet named LifeCycle01 in this lesson, I am providing a copy in Listing 7 near the end of the lesson so that you can use it to test the upgraded framework program in Listing 6.

Run the program

I encourage you to copy the framework code from Listing 6 into your text editor, compile it, and execute it.  Experiment with the MIDlet code in Listing 7 in conjunction with the framework program in Listing 6.  Make some changes and observe the results of your changes.

Don't forget that you will need to download and install the latest version of the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC (see Resources).  As of the date this lesson is being written, the latest version of the toolkit is WTK2.5.2.


I taught you how to capture and to display the standard output and the error output produced by programs executing in a child process resulting from a call to the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString) method.

I applied that knowledge to upgrade the MIDlet development framework from the previous lesson.  This makes it possible to display compile time errors when the framework is used to compile a MIDlet.  It also makes it possible to display information written to standard output or error output by MIDlets being tested in the Sun cell phone emulator.

What's next?

In the next lesson, I will explain and demonstrate the life cycle of a MIDlet.  I will also explain how CLDC and MIDP fit into the grand scheme of things when developing MIDlets.


Complete program listings

Complete listings of the programs discussed in this lesson are shown in Listing 6 and Listing 7 below.

Listing 6. The upgraded framework program named WTKFramework02.
Copyright 2007, R.G.Baldwin

Upgraded to capture and display standard output and error
output from child processes.

Also upgraded to allow user to enter MIDlet name on the
command line.  This is particularly useful when repeatedly
running this program from a batch file during MIDlet

The purpose of this program is to provide a framework that
makes it easy to experiment with Java MIDlets written to
run on small mobile devices using the Sun Java Wireless
Toolkit (WTK2.5.2).  The framework not only makes such
experimentation easy, it also cleans up after itself by
automatically deleting all of the extraneous files created
during the development of the JAR and JAD files, which
are required for the deployment of the MIDlet program.

Given a file containing the source code for the MIDlet,
a single click of the mouse causes this framework to
automatically cycle through the following steps:

Compilation (targeted to Java v1.4 virtual machine)
Creation of the manifest file
Creation of the JAR file
Creation of the JAD file
Deletion of extraneous files, saving the JAR and JAD files
Deployment and execution in Sun's cell phone emulator

The MIDlet being processed must be stored in a folder
having the same name as the main MIDlet class.  The
folder containing the MIDlet must be a child of the
folder in which the framework is being executed.

Note: When you transfer control to a new process window by
calling the exec method, the path environment variable
doesn't go along for the ride.  Therefore, you must
provide the full path for programs that you call in that
new process.

Tested using Java SE 6 and WTK2.5.2 running under
Windows XP.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class WTKFramework02{
  String toolkit = "M:/WTK2.5.2";//Path to toolkit root
  String vendor = "Dick Baldwin";//Default vendor name
  String midletVersion = "1.0.0";
  String profile = "MIDP-2.0";
  String profileJar = "/lib/midpapi20.jar";
  String config = "CLDC-1.1";
  String configJar = "/lib/cldcapi11.jar";
  //Path to the bin folder of the Java installation
  String javaPath = "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0/bin";
  String prog = "WTK001";

  int initialCleanupOK = 1;//Success = 0
  int compileOK = 1;//Compiler success = 0
  int preverifyOK = 1;//Preverify success = 0
  int deleteClassFilesOK = 1;//Delete success = 0
  int moveFilesOK = 1;//Move success = 0
  int manifestFileOK = 1;//Manifest success = 0
  int jarFileOK = 1;//Jar file success = 0
  int jadFileOK = 1;//Jad file success = 0
  int cleanupOK = 1;//Cleanup success = 0

  long jarFileSize = 0;

  JTextField progName;
  JTextField WTKroot;
  JTextField vendorText;
  JTextField midletVersionText;
  JTextField javaPathText;

  JRadioButton pButton10;
  JRadioButton pButton20;
  JRadioButton pButton21;

  JRadioButton cButton10;
  JRadioButton cButton11;

  static WTKFramework02 thisObj;

  public static void main(String[] args){
    //Allow user to enter the MIDlet name on the command
    // line.  Useful when running from a batch file.
    thisObj = new WTKFramework02();
    if(args.length != 0)thisObj.prog = args[0]; GUI();
  }//end main

  void runTheProgram(){
    //This method is called when the user clicks the Run
    // button on the GUI.
    System.out.println("PROGRESS REPORT");
    System.out.println("Running program named: " + prog);

    //This code calls several methods in sequence to
    // accomplish the needed actions. If there is a
    // failure at any step along the way, the
    // framework will terminate at that point with a
    // suitable error message.

    //Delete leftover files from a previous run, if any
    // exist
    if(initialCleanupOK != 0){//Test for success
      System.out.println("Initial cleanup error");
    }//end if

    compile();//compile the MIDlet
    if(compileOK != 0){//Test for successful compilation.
    }//end if

    preverify();//Pre-verify the MIDlet class files
    if(preverifyOK != 0){
    }//end if

    //Delete the class files from the original program
    // folder
    deleteClassFilesOK = deleteProgClassFiles();
    if(deleteClassFilesOK != 0){
    }//end if

    //Move the preverified files back to the original
    // program folder
    if(moveFilesOK != 0){
    }//end if

    //Make manifest file
    if(manifestFileOK != 0){
      System.out.println("Manifest file error");
    }//end if

    //Make Jar file
    if(jarFileOK != 0){
      System.out.println("JAR file error");
    }//end if

    //Make Jad file
    if(jadFileOK != 0){
    }//end if

    //Delete extraneous files
    if(cleanupOK != 0){
    }//end if

    //Run emulator

    //Reset success flags
    initialCleanupOK = 1;//Success = 0
    compileOK = 1;//Compiler success = 0
    preverifyOK = 1;//Preverify success = 0
    deleteClassFilesOK = 1;//Delete success = 0
    moveFilesOK = 1;//Move success = 0
    manifestFileOK = 1;//Manifest success = 0
    jarFileOK = 1;//Jar file success = 0
    jadFileOK = 1;//Jad file success = 0
    cleanupOK = 1;//Cleanup success = 0

    //Control returns to here when the user terminates
    // the cell phone emulator.
      "\nClick the Run button to run another MIDlet.");
    System.out.println();//blank line

  }//end runTheProgram

  //Purpose: Delete leftover files at startup
  void deleteOldStuff(){
           "Deleting leftover files from a previous run");

    //Delete subdirectory from output folder if it exists.
    int successFlag = deleteOutputSubDir();

    //Delete manifest file if it exists.
    File manifestFile = new File("output/");
      boolean success = manifestFile.delete();
        System.out.println("   Manifest file deleted");
        successFlag = 1;
      }//end else
    }//end if

    //Delete old JAR file if it exists.
    File jarFile = new File("output/" + prog + ".jar");
      boolean success = jarFile.delete();
        System.out.println("   Old jar file deleted");
        successFlag = 1;
      }//end else
    }//end if

    //Delete old JAD file if it exists.
    File jadFile = new File("output/" + prog + ".jad");
      boolean success = jadFile.delete();
        System.out.println("   Old jad file deleted");
        successFlag = 1;
      }//end else
    }//end if

    //Delete class files from program folder, if any exist
    int temp = deleteProgClassFiles();
    if(temp != 0){
      successFlag = temp;
    }//end if

    if(successFlag == 0){
      System.out.println("\nLeftover files deleted");
      initialCleanupOK = 0;//success
    }//end else

  }//end deleteOldStuff

  //This method compiles the MIDlet.  Note that the
  // compilation generates class files for a Java v1.4
  // virtual machine.  Apparently WTK2.5.2 is not
  // compatible with Java 1.6.  Also note that the
  // compiler uses the classes in the WTK2.5.2 library
  // JAR files instead of using the classes in the
  // J2SE v1.6 libraries.
  void compile(){
      String cmdString =
           javaPath + "/javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4 "
           + "-bootclasspath " + toolkit + configJar + ";"
           + toolkit + profileJar
           + " " + prog + "/" + prog + ".java";

      System.out.println("\nCompile command:");
      Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString);

      //Get and display the standard output and/or the
      // error output produced by the child process.

      //Delay until compilation is complete. Then test the
      // exit value of the compiler for success.  A value
      // of 0 indicates success.  Any other value
      // indicates that the compilation was not
      // successful.  Also note that this framework does
      // not display the compiler error messages.  If a
      // compilation fails, the next step is to use the
      // same approach from a batch file or from the
      // command line to perform the compilation on a
      // stand-alone basis.  That will expose the error
      // messages and allow for identifying and fixing the
      // problem in the MIDlet code.
      int val = proc.waitFor();
      compileOK = val;
      if(val == 0){
        System.out.println("Compile OK");
        System.out.println("Compile error");
      }//end else

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch

  }//end compile

  //Purpose:  To preverify the class files.
  void preverify(){

        "\nPreverifying class files.");
    File dir = new File(prog);
    //Get a list of the files in the folder.
    String[] children = dir.list();
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < children.length;cnt++){
      //Only preverify files with an extension of .class
      String aFile = children[cnt];
        //This is a class file
          //Remove the .class extension from the file name
          aFile = aFile.substring(0,aFile.lastIndexOf(

          String cmdString =
                toolkit + "/bin/preverify.exe -classpath "
                + toolkit + configJar + ";"
                + toolkit + profileJar + " "
                + prog + "/" + aFile;

          System.out.println("\nPreverify command");
          Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(

          //Delay until preverification is complete
          int val = proc.waitFor();
          preverifyOK = val;
          if(val == 0){
            System.out.println("Pre-verify OK");
            System.out.println("Pre-verify error");
            return;//return prematurely
          }//end else

        }catch( Exception e ){
        }//end catch
      }//end if
    }//end for loop
  }//end preverify

    //Purpose: Move preverified files back to original
    // program folder to make it easier to put them into
    // a JAR file with the correct path.
    void movePreverifiedFiles(){

         "\nMoving preverified files to program folder.");
    File dir = new File("output/" + prog);
    //Get a list of the files in the folder.
    String[] children = dir.list();

    //Destination directory
    File dest = new File(prog);

    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < children.length;cnt++){
      String filename = children[cnt];

        // File to be moved
        String temp = "output/" + prog + "/" + filename;
        File file = new File(temp);

        // Move file to destination directory
        boolean success = file.renameTo(
                           new File(dest,file.getName()));
          System.out.println("File move error");
          return;//return prematurely
         System.out.println("   " + temp + " moved");
        }//end else

      }catch( Exception e ){
      }//end catch
    }//end for loop

    moveFilesOK = 0;//Successful move
  }//end movePreverifiedFiles

  void makeManifestFile(){
      BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(
                    new FileWriter("output/"));
      out.write("MIDlet-Name: " + prog + "\n");
               "MIDlet-Version: " + midletVersion + "\n");
      out.write("MIDlet-Vendor: " + vendor + "\n");
      System.out.println("\nManifest file written");
      manifestFileOK = 0;
    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch

  }//end makeManifestFile

  void makeJarFile(){
      String cmdString =
                    javaPath + "/jar cvfm output/" + prog
                    + ".jar output/ ./" + prog;

      System.out.println("\nJAR command");
      Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString);


      //Delay until complete
      int val = proc.waitFor();
      jarFileOK = val;
      if(val == 0){
        System.out.println("Jar file written");
        System.out.println("Jar file error");
        return;//Return prematurely on error.
      }//end else

      //Get and save file size in bytes
      File file = new File("output/" + prog + ".jar");
      jarFileSize = file.length();
                     "   Jar file size = " + jarFileSize);

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch

  }//end makeJarFile

  void makeJadFile(){
      BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(
               new FileWriter("output/" + prog + ".jad"));

      out.write("MIDlet-1: " + prog + ", , " + prog
                                + "." + prog + "" + "\n");

      out.write("MIDlet-Name: " + prog + "\n");
      out.write("MIDlet-Version: "
                                  + midletVersion + "\n");
      out.write("MIDlet-Vendor: " + vendor + "\n");
      out.write("MIDlet-Jar-URL: " + prog + ".jar\n");
      out.write("MIDlet-Jar-Size: " + jarFileSize + "\n");
      out.write("MicroEdition-Profile: "
                                        + profile + "\n");
      out.write("MicroEdition-Configuration: "
                                         + config + "\n");

      System.out.println("\nJad file written");
      jadFileOK = 0;
    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch
  }//end makeJadFile

  //Purpose: To run Sun's cell phone emulator with this
  // MIDlet.
  void runEmulator(){
      String cmdString = toolkit + "/bin/emulator.exe "
                + "-Xdescriptor output/" + prog + ".jad";

      System.out.println("\nEmulator command");
      Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdString);


      //Delay until complete
      int val = proc.waitFor();
      if(val == 0){
        System.out.println("Emulator finished");
        System.out.println("Emulator error");
      }//end else

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch

  }//end runEmulator

  //Purpose:  Delete all files and folders in the output
  // folder other than the jar and jad files. Also delete
  // all class files in the program folder.
  void cleanup(){
    //Delete subdirectory from output folder.
    int successFlag = deleteOutputSubDir();

    //Delete manifest file from output folder.
    File manifestFile = new File("output/");
      boolean success = manifestFile.delete();
        System.out.println("   Manifest file deleted");
        successFlag = 1;
      }//end else
    }//end if

    //Delete class files from program folder
    int temp = deleteProgClassFiles();
    if(temp != 0){
      successFlag = temp;
    }//end if

    if(successFlag == 0){
      System.out.println("\nExtraneous files deleted");
      cleanupOK = 0;//success
    }//end else

  }//end cleanup

  //Purpose: To delete the folder contained in the output
  // directory and all of its files.
  int deleteOutputSubDir(){
    int returnVal = 0;

                  "\nDeleting files from output folder.");
    //First delete the files in the subdirectory
    File subDir = new File("output/" + prog);
    //Get a list of the files in the folder.
    String[] children = subDir.list();
    if(children != null){
      for(int cnt = 0;cnt < children.length;cnt++){

        boolean success = (new File("output/" + prog + "/"
                               + children[cnt])).delete();
          // Deletion failed
          returnVal = 1;
                      "   " + children[cnt] + " deleted");
        }//end else
      }//end for loop
    }//end if !null

    //Now delete the subdirectory
      boolean success = subDir.delete();
        // Deletion failed
        returnVal = 1;
        System.out.println("   Empty directory named "
                         + "output/" + prog + " deleted");
      }//end else
    }//end if

    return returnVal;
  }//end deleteOutputSubDir

  //The purpose of this method is to delete the compiled
  // class files from the program folder.
  int deleteProgClassFiles(){
    int returnVal = 0;

        "\nDeleting class files from program folder.");
    File dir = new File(prog);
    //Get a list of the files in the folder.
    String[] children = dir.list();
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < children.length;cnt++){

      //Don't delete files with extension of .java
      String aFile = children[cnt];
      if(aFile.indexOf(".java") < 0){
        //Not a .java file.
        boolean success = (
                   new File(prog + "/" + aFile).delete());
          // Deletion failed
          returnVal = 1;
          System.out.println("   " + aFile + " deleted");
        }//end else
        //This is a .java file.
        System.out.println("   " + aFile + " saved");
      }//end else

    }//end for loop

    return returnVal;
  }//end deleteProgClassFiles

  //Purpose: To get and display standard output and error
  // output from child processes.
  void getChildOutput(Process proc){
      //Connect an input stream to child's standard
      // output and child's error output.  Then
      // instantiate a thread to get and display each
      // type of output data from the child process.

      //Spawn two threads.
      ChildDataHandler errorHandler = 
                           new ChildDataHandler(
                           proc.getErrorStream(),"ERR: ");
      ChildDataHandler outputHandler = 
                           new ChildDataHandler(
                           proc.getInputStream(),"OUT: ");
      //Start them running

    }catch( Exception e ){
    }//end catch
  }//end getChildOutput

  //This is an inner class that controls the interactive
  // behavior of the framework.
  class GUI extends JFrame{

      setTitle("Copyright 2007, R.G.Baldwin");
      JButton runButton = new JButton("Run");
      JPanel runPanel = new JPanel();

      //Construct and populate fields for entry of text
      // data.
      JPanel textData = new JPanel();
      textData.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));

      //Populate first row of grid with default values.
      textData.add(new JLabel("  Program Name"));
      progName = new JTextField(prog);

      //Populate second row, etc.
      textData.add(new JLabel("  WTK Root"));
      WTKroot = new JTextField(toolkit);

      //Populate third row ...
      textData.add(new JLabel("  Vendor"));
      vendorText = new JTextField(vendor);

      //Populate fourth row ...
      textData.add(new JLabel("  Midlet Version"));
      midletVersionText = new JTextField(midletVersion);

      //Populate fifth row
      textData.add(new JLabel(
                            "  Path to Java bin folder"));
      javaPathText = new JTextField(javaPath);

      //Create column titles for profile and configuration
      // buttons
      textData.add(new JLabel(" "));//spacer
      textData.add(new JLabel(" "));//spacer
      textData.add(new JLabel("  Profile"));
      textData.add(new JLabel("  Configuration"));

      //Construct and populate radio buttons for
      // selection of profile and configuration.
      JPanel proCon = new JPanel();
      proCon.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));

      //Construct JPanel with radio buttons for selection
      // of profile.
      JPanel proButtons = new JPanel();
      proButtons.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1));
      pButton10 = new JRadioButton("MIDP-1.0");
      pButton20 = new JRadioButton("MIDP-2.0",true);
      pButton21 = new JRadioButton("MIDP-2.1");

      //Make the buttons mutually exclusive.
      ButtonGroup profileGroup = new ButtonGroup();

      //Add the radio buttons to the GUI

      //Construct JPanel with radio buttons for selection
      // of configuration.
      JPanel configButtons = new JPanel();
      configButtons.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1));
      cButton10 = new JRadioButton("CLDC-1.0");
      cButton11 = new JRadioButton("CLDC-1.1",true);

      //Make the buttons mutually exclusive.
      ButtonGroup configGroup = new ButtonGroup();

      //Add the radio buttons to the GUI

      //Register an action listener on the Run button
        new ActionListener(){
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            //Get user inputs from text fields
            prog = progName.getText();
            toolkit = WTKroot.getText();
            vendor = vendorText.getText();
            midletVersion = midletVersionText.getText();
            javaPath = javaPathText.getText();

            //Set the profile based on which radio button
            // was selected by the user
              profile = "MIDP-1.0";
              profileJar = "/lib/midpapi10.jar";
            }else if(pButton20.isSelected()){
              profile = "MIDP-2.0";
              profileJar = "/lib/midpapi20.jar";
            }else{//no other choice available
              profile = "MIDP-2.1";
              profileJar = "/lib/midpapi21.jar";
            }//end else

            //Set the configuration based on which radio
            // button was selected by the user
              config = "CLDC-1.0";
              configJar = "/lib/cldcapi10.jar";
            }else{//no other choice available
              config = "CLDC-1.1";
              configJar = "/lib/cldcapi11.jar";
            }//end else

            //Now run the program.

          }//end actionPerformed
        }//end new ActionListener
      );//end addActionListener

    }//end constructor
  }//end class GUI
  //This is a member class.  Thanks to "When Runtime.
  // exec() won't" By Michael C. Daconta,
  // The purpose of an object of this class is to get and
  // display either the standard output or the error
  // output produced by a child process.
  class ChildDataHandler extends Thread{
    InputStream inputStream;
    String type;
    ChildDataHandler(InputStream inputStream,String type){
      this.inputStream = inputStream;
      this.type = type;
    }//end constructor
    public void run(){
        InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = 
                       new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = 
                    new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);
        String line=null;
              (line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null){
          System.out.println(type + line);
        }//end while
      }catch(Exception e){
      }//end catch
    }//end run
  }//end class ChildDataHandler  
}//end class WTKFramework02


Listing 7. The MIDlet named LifeCycle01.
Copyright 2007, R.G.Baldwin
December 6, 2007

The purpose of this MIDlet is to demonstrate the following
three states in which a MIDlet can reside:

This MIDlet is comprised of three threads.  One thread is
the main MIDlet thread.

A second thread is instantiated from a class named
Toggler. This thread is spawned and run to toggle the
MIDlet between the active and paused states at
approximately two-second itervals. After approximately
twenty seconds, the Toggler instructs the MIDlet to enter
the destroyed state.

A third thread is instantiated from a class named Worker.
This thread is spawned and run to do some work while the
MIDlet is in the active state.  The work that it does is
to display a period on the standard output device
approximately once every half second.  This thread sleeps
while the MIDlet is in the paused state, and dies when the
MIDlet enters the destroyed state. (It also sleeps some of
the time that the MIDlet is in the active state to avoid
consuming excessive computational resources.)

During those time intervals that the MIDlet is in the
paused state, the Sun cell phone emulator displays a
box with the following words on the cell phone screen:

Incoming Call ...

Tested using a Java SE 6 compiler, targeted at a V1.4
virtual machine, and WTK 2.5.2 running under Windows XP.

package LifeCycle01;

import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.util.Date;

public class LifeCycle01 extends MIDlet{

  Toggler theToggler;
  Worker theWorker;
  long timeBase;
  boolean running = false;

  public LifeCycle01(){
    theToggler = new Toggler(this);
    theWorker = new Worker(true,false);
    //Establish the time (in milliseconds relative to
    // Jan 1, 1970) that the MIDlet object is constructed.
    // This time will be used to compute the elapsed times
    // in milliseconds at which other events occur
    // relative to the construction time of the MIDlet.
    timeBase = new Date().getTime();
    System.out.println("Constructed at: "
                       + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
  }//end constructor

  //The following method is called by the AMS to change
  // the state of the MIDlet from paused to active.
  public void startApp(){
      //This is the first time that this method has been
      // called.
      System.out.println("Started at: "
                       + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
      running = true;
      //Start the Toggler thread running.
      //Start the worker thread running in an active
      // (not-paused) MIDlet state.
      theWorker.paused = false;
      //This is not the first time that this method has
      // been called.
      System.out.println("Re-started at: "
                       + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
      //Wake the Worker thread up if it is asleep. Set
      // the paused flag to false to tell the worker to
      // get to work.
      theWorker.paused = false;
    }//end else
  }//end startApp

  //This method is called by the Toggler thread to cause
  // the MIDlet to enter the paused state. It may also be
  // called by the AMS.
  public void pauseApp(){
    System.out.println("\nPaused at: "
                       + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
    //Tell Worker to go to sleep for a long time the next
    // time it checks the paused flag.
    theWorker.paused = true;
    //Tell the AMS that this MIDlet is in the paused
    // state.
  }//end pauseApp

  //This method is called by the Toggler thread to cause
  // the MIDlet to enter the destroyed state. It may also
  // be called by the AMS.
  public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional){
    //Tell the Worker to terminate the next time it checks
    // its flags.
    theWorker.kill = true;
    //Wake the worker up if it is asleep.
    System.out.println("Destroyed at:  "
                       + (new Date().getTime()-timeBase));
    //Tell the AMS that the MIDlet is in the destroyed
    // state. It can then be launched again.
  }//end destroyApp

  public void resume(){
  }//end resume

  //This is a member class.  The purpose of an object of
  // this class is to cause the main thread to toggle
  // between the active state and the paused state every
  // two seconds during a total of ten cycles.  Then it
  // causes the main thread to enter the destroyed state.
  class Toggler extends Thread{
    LifeCycle01 theMIDlet;

    Toggler(LifeCycle01 theMIDlet){
      this.theMIDlet = theMIDlet;
    }//end constructor

    public void run(){
      for(int cnt = 0;cnt < 10;cnt++){
        //Sleep for two seconds.
        }catch(Exception e){}

        if(cnt % 2 == 0){
          //Tell the main thread to enter the paused
          // state.
          //Cause the main thread to send a request to
          // the AMS to return it to the active
          // state.  If the request is honored, the
          // AMS will call the startApp method on the
          // main thread. Note in particular that this
          // code does not call the startApp method
          // directly.
        }//end else
      }//end for loop

      //Instruct the main thread to enter the destroyed
      // state.

      //This thread will die at this point.
    }//end run
  }//end class Toggler

  //This is a member class.  The purpose of an object of
  // this class is to do some work (display periods)
  // while the main thread is in the active state and
  // to sleep while the main thread is in the paused
  // state.  It also sleeps some while the main thread
  // is in the active state to avoid consuming major
  // computational resources.
  class Worker extends Thread{
    boolean paused;//true indicates paused
    boolean kill;//true means time to die
    long shortSleep = 500;//one-half second
    long longSleep = 25000000;//6.94 hours
    long sleepTime = shortSleep;

    Worker(boolean paused,boolean kill){//constructor
      this.paused = paused;
      this.kill = kill;
    }//end constructor

    public void run(){
      System.out.print("I'm working ");
        //Check the kill flag and behave appropriately.
          System.out.println("Terminating worker");
          //This break will cause the thread to break out
          // of the while loop and to die.
        }//end if

        //Check the paused flag and behave appropriately.
          //Do some work and then go to sleep for a short
          // time period.  The thread will sleep until it
          // awakes normally or until it is interrupted.
          sleepTime = shortSleep;
          //The main thread is in the paused state.  Go
          // to sleep for a very long time.
          sleepTime = longSleep;
        }//end else

        }catch(InterruptedException e){
          //Control reaches here when another thread calls
          // the interrupt() method on this thread while
          // it is sleeping.  Loop back to the top and
          // either terminate or do some work depending
          // on the state of the flags.  If the thread
          // wakes up on its own accord, this code will
          // not be executed.
          System.out.print("I'm awake ");
        }//end catch

      }//end while loop

      //This thread will die at this point.
    }//end run
  }//end class Worker

}//end class LifeCycle01



Copyright 2008, Richard G. Baldwin.  Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission from Richard Baldwin is prohibited.

About the author

Richard Baldwin is a college professor (at Austin Community College in Austin, TX) and private consultant whose primary focus is a combination of Java, C#, and XML. In addition to the many platform and/or language independent benefits of Java and C# applications, he believes that a combination of Java, C#, and XML will become the primary driving force in the delivery of structured information on the Web.

Richard has participated in numerous consulting projects and he frequently provides onsite training at the high-tech companies located in and around Austin, Texas.  He is the author of Baldwin's Programming Tutorials, which have gained a worldwide following among experienced and aspiring programmers. He has also published articles in JavaPro magazine.

In addition to his programming expertise, Richard has many years of practical experience in Digital Signal Processing (DSP).  His first job after he earned his Bachelor's degree was doing DSP in the Seismic Research Department of Texas Instruments.  (TI is still a world leader in DSP.)  In the following years, he applied his programming and DSP expertise to other interesting areas including sonar and underwater acoustics.

Richard holds an MSEE degree from Southern Methodist University and has many years of experience in the application of computer technology to real-world problems.

java J2ME MIDlet "cell phone emulator" "wireless toolkit" WTK MIDP CLDC "child process" "Runtime.getRuntime().exec"
