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15T UH-60 Utility Helicopter Repairer

Army National Guard

The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is the best-in-class, multi-mission performer used for combat assault, search and rescue, medevac, and firefighting missions. Your responsibility as the UH-60 Utility Helicopter Repairer will be to sustain the longevity and reliability of these aircraft, keeping them...

11C Indirect Fire Infantryman

Army National Guard

• As an Army National Guard Indirect Fire Infantryman, you'll be in charge of the Infantry's most powerful weapon - the mortar. As part of a mortar squad, section, or platoon, you will perform challenging activities that may include parachuting from a troop transport airplane to access...

15G Aircraft Structural Repairer

Army National Guard

Army planes and helicopters need to be in tip-top shape inside and out to be ready to go at a moments notice. As an Aircraft Structural Repairer in the Army National Guard, you will inspect, service, and repair structural components on aircraft to ensure that they are ready to deploy for training,...

91S Stryker Systems Maintainer

Army National Guard

Stryker Vehicles are fast, highly-mobile combat vehicles used by the military to triumph on the battlefield. As a Stryker Systems Maintainer for the Army National Guard, you will be responsible for keeping the Stryker systems functioning to ensure the success of each and every mission. In this role,...

15N Avionics Mechanic

Army National Guard

The communications system, navigation, and flight controls are just a few examples of the dozens of electrical systems that help pilots keep aircraft safely in flight. As an Avionics Mechanic in the Army National Guard, you will make sure these systems and instruments operate properly. • Through...