Question 9 / 19:  If this tract is surgically interrupted at the level of the inferior colliculus, what dermatomes would be affected ?
A.  C1 through T5 of the ipsilateral side.
B.  All dermatomes on the contralateral side.
C.  All dermatomes on the ipsilateral side.
D.  T5 through S5 of the contralateral side.
E.  T5 through S5 of the ipsilateral side.
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Dorsolateral fasciculus axons and their collaterals are involved in spinal reflexes and intersegmental integration.

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Attribution:  Stephen C. Voron, M.D., Suzanne S. Stensaas, Ph.D. , Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132,
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