
The Influence of the Ottoman Regional Policy on the Cultural and Economic Life in

The Ottoman State applied various economic and social policies in every province even in certain districts in the boundaries of those provinces according to their local social and economic structures. It would be proper to name this policy as ‘regional policy.’ This is also the main characteristic of the general administrative policy of the Ottoman State. This paper studies the regional policy of the Ottoman State in Slovenia and its influences on the international trade in ports and trade centres, and cultural and economic life of the local people in the 16th and 17th centuries. This study, focuses particularly on the protection of legal and economic rights of merchants and the local people providing the security and justice by the Ottoman State in certain districts. In addition to the main subject of the paper, some information are given on the commercial activities of merchants from Bursa, Belgrad, Dubrovnik and Venice in important ports and trade centres in Slovenia. On the other hand, Ottoman political and military activities in some districts under the Venetian administration in Dalmatia in relation to the main political objective of the Ottoman State preventing a Venetian domination in this region is also considered. The main sources studied for this paper are the accounts of eye-witnesses and the Ottoman archives.
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