
OWL: An Ontology Language for the Semantic Web


This is a one-hour video recording of the presentation of Sean Bechhofer at the KnowledgeWeb summer school 2005. It comprises either the video synchronized with the slides (but requires Quicktime, hence Windows or MacOS, otherwise the slides have to be switched manually). Table of Contents: OWL: An Ontology Language for the Web Tutorial Topics The Semantic Web Vision What is the Problem A Semantic Web - First Steps Technologies for the Semantic Web Object Oriented Models Structure of an Ontology Ontology Languages Why Semantics Formal Languages RDF The RDF Data Model Linking Statements RDF Syntax RDF(S): RDF Schema RDF(S) Examples RDF/RDF(S) "Liberality" RDF/RDF(S) Semantics Problems with RDF(S) Solution The OWL Family Tree A Brief History of OWL Aside: Description Logics A Brief History of DLs DL Semantics OWL Layering OWL Full OWL DL OWL Lite OWL Syntaxes OWL Class Constructors OWL Axioms OWL Individual Axioms OWL Property Axioms Semantics OWL Property Axioms Semantics Reasoning Instance Reasoning Why Reasoning Example Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Example Common Misconceptions Disjointness Domain and Range And/Or and Quantification Closed and Open Worlds Extensions Extensions: SWRL Rules: SWRL Rules: Reasoning with SWRL Extensions: Complex Role Axioms Extensions: Query and Retrieval Extensions: Query Languages Extensions: Datatyping Extensions: Modularity Tools Summary
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Attribution: The Open Education Consortium
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