
Lecture 3: MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies Lecture Series


Lost Highway Expedition will begin in Ljubljana, and travel through Zagreb, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Skopje, Pristina, Tirana, Podgorica to conclude in Sarajevo, comprised of two days of events at each city and one day of travel in between. The events may include guided tours, presentations and forums by local experts, workshops between the participating travelers and local participants, discussions, exhibitions, radio shows, picnics and other events that can be self-produced by the host cities. Members of the Lost Highway Expedition do not have to travel or stay together and can enter and exit the expedition for any length of time and at any point. Participants are to self organize, support and realize their journey in the “Highway of Post Brotherhood and Non Unity.” Everyone is free to participate in any of the events or to bring their own to the highway. Word of the expedition will travel like a rumor from friends to friends, colleagues to colleagues.
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