
Lecture 13: Control - Overview

//"Okay. So who’s interested in juggling Well, those who are interested in juggling could try it next quarter in Experimental Robotics. In fact, a lot of the projects in Experimental Robotics involve dynamic skills, throwing a ball into a basket, playing ping-pong, or whatever. So juggling is quite challenging, actually. Well, juggling requires control and here we are. So this is a little bit of a concept that we are going to see over the discussions on control. And the concept is instead of really thinking about the robot as a programmable machine where you need to find all the join motions corresponding to your task. So you want to move to some location and you want to be able to reach that location with some orientation of your vector"// See the whole transcript at [[http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aiircs223a/transcripts/IntroductionToRobotics-Lecture13.pdf|Introduction to robotics - Lecture 13]]
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