
Bio entrepeneur - Boot Camp for beginners


Goal 1 : Understand the expectations of their future financial partners Venture Capitalists come to explain their ways of working, as well as what makes a "good" business plan. In the past, we have worked with EVCA and EASD representatives, in addition to independent VCs from European countries. Goal 2 : Share experiences with entrepreneurs of the country Biotech managers come to describe their "start up" experience, explaining both the easy and more complex aspects of business planning. Goal 3 : Provide TOOLS Learn how to use a platform of tools, including the BioBootCamp™ software (a program specially developed in the Excel and Microsoft Office environment), so that participants may generate their own business plans after the workshop. Participants may use it following the training to create unlimited simulations to assess the feasibility of a project at no cost and to follow the economics and financials of their new company during the 3 first years. They will learn how to write a convincing Executive Summary to open the doors of investors' offices. Plus of The "Bioentrepreneur Boot Camp for beginners" Participants also get a set of "Notes", which includes information about Venture Capital and web sites relating to Bio business. These web sites allow bio-entrepreneurs involved in Bioentrepreneur Boot Camp to continue networking and to identify other areas of need. At the end of the training workshop, each attendee takes away a personal copy of the BioBootCamp™ software and information package to work on their own project.
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Attribution: The Open Education Consortium
Course Home http://videolectures.net/lui07_lepers_bob/