Léon Bottou OER/OCW Courses

Using the search engine ad placement problem as an example, we explain the central role of causal inference for the design of learning systems interacting with their environments.... Watch Video

Large-scale Machine Learning and Stochastic by Léon @VideoLectures

The presentation stresses important differences between machine learning and conventional optimisation approaches and proposes some solutions. The first part discusses the the... Watch Video

Learning using Many Examples by Léon Bottou @VideoLectures.net oer

The statistical learning theory suggests to choose large capacity models that barely avoid over-fitting the training data. In that perspective, all datasets are small. Things become... Watch Video

Sequence Labelling SVMs Trained in One by Léon Bottou @VideoLectures

This paper proposes an online solver of the dual formulation of support vector machines for structured output spaces. We apply it to sequence labelling using the exact and greedy... Watch Video

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