James Paradis OER/OCW Courses

In the Origin of Species (1859), Charles Darwin gave us a model for understanding how natural objects and systems can evidence design without positing a designer: how purpose and... Download Course Materials

Lecture 10: Malthus and the Compound Mind by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Malthus and the Compound Mind Collective irrationality and the French Revolution Darwin's voyage... Watch Video

Lecture 11: Darwin and the Economy of the by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Darwin and the Economy of the Natural World Franz Gall Luigi Galvani Overproduction Imperfect Adaptation Charles Lyell Geologic Time Geology Principles Faunal Succession... Watch Video

Lecture 12: Natural Select by James Paradis @VideoLectures.net oer

Topics: Natural Selection Alfred Wallace The struggle for existence Web of complex relations Natural selection Speciation Divergence... Watch Video

Lecture 13: Darwinian Synthesis by James Paradis @VideoLectures oer

Topics: Darwinian Synthesis Unity of Type and Conditions of Existence Instinct and Behavior Ants - Swarm Behavior Bees - Complex Nonteleological Construction Geological Succession... Watch Video

Lecture 14: Darwin's The Descent of Man  by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Darwin's The Descent of Man (1871)‏ and Human Culture Darwin and the Fuegians Neander valley discoveries T. H. Huxley Charles Lyell Edward Tylor and the natural origins... Watch Video

Lecture 15: Naturalism and Utopia: Samuel by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Naturalism and Utopia: Samuel Butler's Erewhon Utopian literary tradition Technological utopianism Utopias and the satirical tradition Eugenical thought Victorian England... Watch Video

Lecture 16: Butler and Technological by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Butler and Technological Autonomy Steam Engines Victorian Railway System Infrastructure Babbage Difference Engine Machines Self-replication... Watch Video

Lecture 17: Evolution and Cybernetics by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Evolution and Cybernetics Norbert Wiener, the golem, and the problem of control The key issue of cybernetics Evolution as Phylogenetic Learning Biological versus machine... Watch Video

Lecture 18: Alan Turing and the Thinking by James Paradis @VideoLectures

Topics: Alan Turing and the Thinking Machine Alan Turing Thinking Machine von Neumann Stored-Program Computer ENIAC The Imitation Game Coding Discrete State Machines Digital Computers... Watch Video

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