J. Michael McBride OER/OCW Courses

Lecture 1 - How Do You Know Freshman by J. Michael McBride @VideoLectures

Professor McBride outlines the course with its goals and requirements, including the required laboratory course. To the course's prime question "How do you know" he proposes... Watch Video

Lecture 10 - Reality and the Orbital by J. Michael McBride @VideoLectures

In discussions of the Schrödinger equation thus far, the systems described were either one-dimensional or involved a single electron. After discussing how increased nuclear... Watch Video

Lecture 11 - Orbital Correction and Plum by J. Michael @VideoLectures

The lecture opens with tricks ("Z-effective" and "Self Consistent Field") that allow one to correct approximately for the error in using orbitals that is due to... Watch Video

Lecture 12 - Overlap and Atom-Pair Bonds by J. Michael @VideoLectures

This lecture begins by applying the united-atom "plum-pudding" view of molecular orbitals, introduced in the previous lecture, to more complex molecules. It then introduces... Watch Video

Lecture 13 - Overlap and Energy-Match by J. Michael @VideoLectures

Professor McBride uses this lecture to show that covalent bonding depends primarily on two factors: orbital overlap and energy-match. First he discusses how overlap depends on... Watch Video

Lecture 14 - Checking Hybridization Theory by J. Michael @VideoLectures

This lecture brings experiment to bear on the previous theoretical discussion of bonding by focusing on hybridization of the central atom in three XH3 molecules. Because independent... Watch Video

Lecture 15 - Chemical Reactivity: SOMO by J. Michael @VideoLectures

Professor McBride begins by using previous examples of "pathological" bonding and the BH3 molecule to illustrate how a chemist's use of localized bonds, vacant atomic... Watch Video

Lecture 16 - Recognizing Functional Groups by J. Michael @VideoLectures

This lecture continues the discussion of the HOMO/LUMO view of chemical reactivity by focusing on ways of recognizing whether a particular HOMO should be unusually high in energy ... Watch Video

Lecture 17 - Reaction Analogies and Carbonyl by J. Michael @VideoLectures

Continuing the examination of molecular orbital theory as a predictor of chemical reactivity, this lecture focuses on the close analogy among seemingly disparate organic chemistry... Watch Video

Lecture 18 - Amide Carboxylic Acid and by J. Michael @VideoLectures

This lecture completes the first half of the semester by analyzing three functional groups in terms of the interaction of localized atomic or pairwise orbitals. Many key properties... Watch Video

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