Denis Noble OER/OCW Courses

Interview with Denis Noble by Davor Orli oer ocw

In the interview we can find out that Denis Noble, professor of Cardio-Vascular Physiology, built one of the first models of the heart and recently wrote a very provocative book... Watch Video

Presentation of the book by Denis Noble: Marija Lesjak @VideoLectures

Javna predstavitev slovenskega prevoda knjige The Music of Life - Glasba življenja avtorja Denisa Nobla je bila 20. oktobra 2010, ob 18. uri v Prešernovi dvorani Slovenske... Watch Video

Principle of Systems Biology illustrated by Denis Noble @VideoLectures

Highest systems property: “The living organism does not really exist in the milieu extérieur but in the liquid milieu intérieur … a complex organism should... Watch Video

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