Chris Welty OER/OCW Courses

How I was right even when I was wrong by Chris Welty @VideoLectures

For the past several years I have warned people not to ask me to predict the future, because my predictions are usually wrong. Undaunted by failure, in this talk I will try to predict... Watch Video

IJCAI 2009 Industry Day Panel by Kevin Delin Randall Hill @VideoLectures

This is a one-day session scheduled for Friday, July 17, 2009, intended to be a forum for industry to "tell their AI story." The content is entirely up to the industry... Watch Video

Semantic Web Death Match 2011: Industry by Martin Hepp @VideoLectures

The past couple of years have been an "interesting time" for the Semantic Web - with both the positive and negative aspects that that implies. We have seen new standards... Watch Video

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