Catherine L. Drennan OER/OCW Courses

Lecture 19: Chemical Equilibrium by Catherine L. Drennan @VideoLectures

**I. Nature of Chemical Equilibrium** A. Free energy, G vs. Progress of reaction B. Reaction quotient ##1. Partial pressure (gas) ##2. Concentration (solute) C. Relationship between... Watch Video

Lecture 20: Chemical Equilibrium cont. by Catherine L. @VideoLectures

**I. External Effects on K** A. Changing the volume B. Adding inert gas C. Changing the temperature ##1. Temperature dependence of K D. Maximizing the yield of a reaction E. Le Ch... Watch Video

Lecture 21: Acid-Base Equilibrium by Catherine L. Drennan @VideoLectures

**I. Classification of Acids and Bases** A. Arrhenius B. Brønsted-Lowry ##1. Conjugate acid-base pairs ##2. Amphoteric molecules C. Lewis acid and base **I. Autoionization of... Watch Video

Lecture 22: Acid-Base Equilibrium cont. by Catherine L. @VideoLectures

**I. Types of Acid-Base Problems** **II. Equilibrium Involving Weak Acids** **III. pH of Salt Solutions** **IV. Buffers** A. Acid buffer B. Base buffer C. Designing a buffer ##1.... Watch Video

Lecture 23: Acid-Base Equilibrium: by Catherine L. Drennan @VideoLectures

**I. Titrations Involving a Strong Acid and a Strong Base** A. Equivalence point B. End point **II. Calculating Points on a pH Curve** A. Calculating pH before the equivalence point... Watch Video

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